@misc{97664, author = {World Bank }, title = {Disability-Inclusive Health Care Systems : Technical Note for World Bank Task Teams}, abstract = {

The objective of this Technical Note is to provide task teams and task team leaders (TTLs) with tools for designing and delivering health care services that are inclusive of disability. More specifically, the ambition of this Technical Note is to improve awareness and skills of TTLs and other World Bank employees toward recognizing the rights of persons with disabilities to receive equitable health care from the outset, to help drive demand from governments, and to identify concrete actions to promote disability-inclusion in health service delivery. The guide provides the rationale for disability inclusion, tips for engaging in dialogue, information and examples on disability-inclusive practices and operations, and specific guidance on integrating disability into health service programming and delivery supported by the World Bank.

}, year = {2022}, publisher = {World Bank}, address = {Washington, DC}, url = {https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/38353/IDU0cd3e4708097b304a2409b260be352fcdb18f.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y}, language = {eng}, }