@article{97776, author = {Lalu JD and Ozegya A and Yakubu AF}, title = {The Impact of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) on Education of Persons with Disabilities in Plateau State}, abstract = {


This study assessed the impact of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) on education of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Plateau State, Nigeria. This study is hinged on Kirkpatrick (1959) evaluation model with descriptive statistics used as a method a method of evaluation. The data collected from the main study revealed that persons with disabilities who are receiving intervention in the CBR programme are not the same. Results indicated that five categories of persons with disabilities are receiving intervention in the CBR programme in Plateau State. They are those with hearing impairment, visual impairment, intellectual and physical disabilities as well as those with leprosy. Rehabilitation efforts are being provided in Plateau State where the main study took place. Result also showed that the CBR programme influenced access to education for persons with disabilities in the study areas. It was shown that the CBR programme produced free and compulsory access to basic education, improved enrolment, and influenced special transitory and educational services for persons with disabilities in the study areas. It is, therefore, recommended that authorities should ensure that the impact of education must be felt on the part of persons with disabilities. However, this can only be appreciated when there is periodic evaluation of the programme to ascertain that its objectives are achieved. There is need for a change in community attitude and CBR programmes so that persons with disabilities will have increased access to some public buildings, which in turn, will help increased social integration of persons with disabilities, the findings of the study equally attest to this fact. More importantly, there shall be a diversified and appropriate curriculum.

}, year = {2023}, journal = {KIU Journal of Humanities}, volume = {7}, pages = {89-104}, url = {https://www.ijhumas.com/ojs/index.php/kiuhums/article/view/1559/1690}, language = {eng}, }