@article{98326, keywords = {Kusta, Leprosy, health cadres, lecture, simulation, kowledge}, author = {Wijaya R. D and Rahesi I. D and Satriani and Meilia R. E and Karditiawati A and Nurmiwiyati and Qomariyah L. and Mahendra D}, title = {Capacity Building Early Detection of Lepra for Health Worker in Bekasi District West Java}, abstract = {

Leprosy is known as Morbus Hansen's disease, which is a chronic infectious disease. Leprosy attacks the skin, peripheral nerves, respiratory tract mucosa, and eyes. Leprosy complications can cause progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes. The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge to health cadres about the definition of leprosy, its etiology, risk factors, level of disability in leprosy, efforts to prevent disability, types of disability, examination of skin spots, identification of the main signs of leprosy. The methods used in this research are lectures and simulations. The results showed an increase in the score of health cadres' knowledge of leprosy.

}, year = {2023}, journal = {Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat}, volume = {4}, pages = {109-116}, issn = {2746-5241}, language = {Bah}, }