@article{98479, keywords = {Neuritis, Leprosy, Corticosteroids, Decompressive Surgery}, author = {Sharma A and Narang T and Dogra S}, title = {Response to The Combination Therapy of Oral Steroids and Nerve Decompression for Ulnar Neuritis in Leprosy - Usefulness in Prevention of Progression of Hand Deformities}, year = {2023}, journal = {Indian Journal of Leprosy}, volume = {95}, pages = {153-155}, publisher = {Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh}, address = {New Delhi}, url = {https://www.ijl.org.in/published-articles/29062023224328/8-sharma-A-et-al-Letter-to-editor-Final.pdf}, language = {Eng}, }