@article{9854, keywords = {Adolescent, Adult, Child, Genital Diseases, Male, Humans, Leprosy, Borderline, Male, Middle Aged, Penile Diseases, Scrotum, Skin Diseases}, author = {Parikh D A and Parikh A C and Ganapati R}, title = {Penile and scrotal lesions in leprosy: case reports.}, abstract = {

Six leprosy patients in the Ridley-Jopling spectrum of BT-BL showing lesions on penis and scrotum are presented, as we believe that this common enough clinical feature is not well documented in the literature.

}, year = {1989}, journal = {Leprosy review}, volume = {60}, pages = {303-5}, month = {1989 Dec}, issn = {0305-7518}, url = {http://leprev.ilsl.br/pdfs/1989/v60n4/pdf/v60n4a09.pdf}, doi = {10.5935/0305-7518.19890039}, language = {eng}, }