@inbook{98747, keywords = {Hansen’s disease, Disability Evaluation, Person with Disability, Self-Help Devices, Rehabilitation}, author = {Raposo MT and Nardi SMT}, title = {Evaluation, Monitoring and Prevention of Disabilities in Hansen’s Disease}, abstract = {

A broad view of the nerve function assessment in Hansen’s Disease (HD) is presented, especially highlighting physical disabilities, World Health Organization Disability Grade, and Eye-Hand-Foot score. Information on the provision of assistive technologies and the expansion of community-based rehabilitation services. The “Neurological Assessment Form in Hansen’s Disease (NFA)” is presented which guides the clinical approach and data recording as an essential component of routine care and for the proper management of persons affected by HD.

}, year = {2023}, journal = {Hansen’s Disease}, pages = {167-180}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, isbn = {9783031308925}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-30893-2_14}, language = {Eng}, }