@article{99000, keywords = {General Medicine}, author = {Souza CBL and Brandão MGSA and Silva PGD and Borges AA and Terçariol CAS and Nogueira PC and Rabeh SAN}, title = {Construction and validation of an educational video for nurses on the management of neuropathic ulcer associated with leprosy}, abstract = {
Objectives: To build and validate an educational video for nurses on the management of neuropathic ulcers.
Method: Methodological study carried out in four stages: script/storyboard production; content and face validation of the script/storyboard with judges in a virtual environment judges in July 2018; video editing; and semantic validation with representatives of the target audience. The video script was validated by nine specialists in the subject and eight technical judges. For semantic validation, a focus group was used with nine nurses, in August 2018, in an outpatient clinic of a higher education institution in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Results: The video was entitled “Evaluation for the management of neuropathic ulcer associated with leprosy” and lasted 18 minutes and 32 seconds. For all questions, a content validity index of more than 78% was obtained, in a single round. The suggestions issued by the judges promoted changes in the scenes, with the inclusion of images, photos, and more accessible language.
Conclusion: The video was considered valid by judges and the target audience and may contribute to nurses’ updating on the subject, with positive effects on care for people with leprosy.
}, year = {2023}, journal = {ESTIMA, Brazilian Journal of Enterostomal Therapy}, pages = {1-14}, publisher = {SOBEST Associacao Brasileira de Estomaterapia}, issn = {2595-7007}, url = {https://www.revistaestima.com.br/estima/article/view/1432/636}, doi = {10.30886/estima.v21.1432_in}, language = {Eng, Por}, }