@article{99307, keywords = {General Energy, Leprosy services, data quality, Epidemiology}, author = {Saunderson P}, title = {WHO Global leprosy (Hansen’s disease) update, 2022: New paradigm – control to elimination}, abstract = {

The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes leprosy statistics each year. In 2022, the number of new cases increased compared with the previous two years, which were artificially low because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reporting by countries continues to improve, as data systems and data quality become more standarized. The number of indicators being reported is increasing, but there is a limit to the amount of information that can be publshed in the Weekly Epidemiological Record. Methods to disseminate further detailed statistics need to be found, as they can be an important stimulus to improving services.

}, year = {2023}, journal = {Leprosy Review}, volume = {94}, pages = {262-263}, publisher = {Lepra}, issn = {2162-8807}, url = {https://leprosyreview.org/article/94/4/20-23098}, doi = {10.47276/lr.94.4.262}, language = {Eng}, }