01398nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100006800042245010700110856008500217300000900302520097700311 2024 d1 aWorld Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia 00aMeeting of Leprosy Programme Managers in the South-East Asia Region Kolkata, India, 11–13 April 2023 uhttps://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/377505/SEA-CD-338-eng.pdf?sequence=1 a1-563 a

The meeting of leprosy programme managers in the South-East (SE) Asia Region was convened by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO) from 11 to 13 April 2023 in Kolkata, India. The meeting was attended by 40 participants, including 15 national focal points from nine countries, five experts, partners, donors and WHO staff members, including those from the Global Leprosy Programme (GLP).

The objectives of the meeting were to: