02256nas a2200169 4500000000100000008004100001260001000042653002200052653001400074653001700088100002700105700001600132700001400148245009600162520180300258022002502061 2024 d bWiley10aLeprosy diagnosis10aKnowledge10aMisdiagnosis1 ade Cássia Francisco P1 aKliemann BS1 aTarlé RG00aLeprosy knowledge among primary care physicians in Southern Brazil: are we underdiagnosing?3 a

Background: Leprosy is a chronic infection with high morbidity in Brazil. Primary care physicians' lack of knowledge about the disease may play a significant role in underdiagnosis. This study aimed to assess primary care physicians' ability to identify typical leprosy skin lesions and their knowledge of the subject.

Methods: This cross‐sectional study relied on a questionnaire in which participating doctors chose one main diagnostic hypothesis and two differential diagnoses for each skin lesion presented. Five leprosy lesions were included. Questions regarding management, follow‐up, and diagnostic workup for the disease were also included. The questionnaire was sent to primary care physicians working in Curitiba, in the Southern Brazilian state of Paraná, and dermatologists, who constituted the control group.

Results: Thirty‐two primary care physicians and 26 dermatologists agreed to participate in the study. Primary care physicians accurately identified a mean of 1.8 ± 1.2 of the five leprosy skin lesions, while dermatologists accurately identified 2.5 ± 0.9 (P = 0.009). The main misdiagnosed leprosy forms were the lepromatous and histoid variants. Among primary care physicians, 56.2% claimed to have little knowledge of the subject and a large share of participants was unaware of recent updates in treating paucibacillary forms, even within the dermatologist subgroup.

Conclusions: Primary care physicians in Curitiba have little information regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and follow‐up of leprosy. Even dermatologists had difficulties with treatment and patient management, emphasizing the constant need for education on this subject.

 a0011-9059, 1365-4632