02570nas a2200289 4500000000100000008004100001260002400042653001200066653001400078653001500092653000900107653002300116100001500139700001300154700001900167700001700186700001200203700001700215700001500232700001500247245011200262856007900374300000900453490000800462520178500470022002502255 2024 d bFapUNIFESP (SciELO)10aleprosy10aVitamin D10atratamento10aIron10aNutritional Status1 aMartins BL1 aPerico J1 aBertoluci DFDF1 aBarbosa ASAA1 aRosa PS1 aNogueira MRS1 aSouza VNBD1 aLatini ACP00aIron and vitamin D intake on a diet are able to modify the in vitro immune response to Mycobacterium leprae uhttps://www.scielo.br/j/mioc/a/VKmX3TvCdVm5bBQmRxRPgPB/?format=pdf&lang=en a1-110 v1193 a
Background: The impact of nutrient availability on the survival of Mycobacterium leprae and the development of leprosy remains largely unknown. Iron is essential for the survival and replication of pathogens, while vitamin D has been involved with pathogen elimination and immunoregulation.
Objectives: We evaluated the influence of dietary iron and vitamin D supplementation and restriction on the inflammatory response of mouse immune cells in vitro.
Methods: After 30 days of standard or modified diets, peritoneal cells and splenocytes were stimulated with the alive microorganisms and sonicated antigens of M. leprae, respectively. The production of inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species, and cell proliferation were evaluated.
Findings: In peritoneal cells, vitamin D supplementation and iron restriction reduced the production of IL-6 and TNF in response to M. leprae, while splenocytes presented a reduction in TNF production under the same conditions. Lower levels of IFN-γ and TNF were observed in both iron-supplemented and iron-deficient splenocytes. Besides, iron supplementation also reduced the production of IL-6 and IL-10. No changes in the production of reactive oxygen species or in cell proliferation were observed related to different diets.
Main conclusions: Taken together, these data point to an interference of the status of these nutrients on the interaction between the host and M. leprae, with the potential to interfere with the progression of leprosy. Our results highlight the impact of nutritional aspects on this neglected disease, which is significantly associated with unfavourable social conditions.
a1678-8060, 0074-0276