01019nas a2200205 4500000000100000008004100001653001600042653002500058653001500083100001400098700001400112700001300126700001100139700001500150700001400165245009500179856008100274300001200355520044600367 2024 d10aThalidomide10aMycobacterium leprae10aLeprosy 1 aDelgado N1 aForero JR1 aPérez P1 aRios R1 aSalgado DM1 aRomero AF00aEritema Nodoso Leproso: Reporte de un caso pediátrico tratado exitosamente con talidomida uhttps://prueba.revistainfectio.org/index.php/infectio/article/view/1192/1334 a199-2023 a

We present the case of a 10-year-old patient who visited our hospital with prolonged fever, multiple nodular lesions on the skin, and diagnostic studies that con-firmed leprosy. As a complication, there is a type 2 leprosy reaction that does not respond adequately to the use of steroids; therefore, we used thalidomide, a medication that is infrequently used in children. However, we were able to control the inflammatory response.