02051nas a2200265 4500000000100000008004100001260005500042653001200097653003000109653001700139653002700156653002700183100001900210700002000229700002300249700001800272700002000290700002100310245007500331856008200406300000800488490000700496520126800503022001401771 2024 d bAPESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul10aLeprosy10aHealth information system10aEpidemiology10aPaucibacillary leprosy10aMultibacillary leprosy1 aAlves Silva LE1 aLima da Silva E1 aBorges da Silva DM1 aPaes Magno JC1 aCosta Pedroza A1 aAraujo Pereira A00aAnálise dos casos de hanseníase no estado do Pará entre 2001 e 2020 uhttps://online.unisc.br/seer/index.php/epidemiologia/article/view/18997/11791 a1-70 v143 a

Background and Objectives: leprosy is a mycobacteriosis known for centuries and prevalent to this day and, despite the reduction in the number of cases, it still affects many Brazilians. To this end, this study aimed to assess the clinical forms of leprosy in the state of Pará between 2001 and 2020.

Methods: an ecological study was carried out using data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) of patients with leprosy according to three classifications, such as notified clinical form, notified operational classification and notified degree of disability, collected between 2001 and 2020.

Results: the milder forms of leprosy showed a greater decrease than the more severe form, combined with a greater drop in cases in the paucibacillary class compared to the multibacillary classification. Furthermore, grade zero disability showed a large reduction in cases, in contrast to grades one and two, which remained stationary.

Conclusion: despite the evident decrease in leprosy in the state, the most serious forms of the disease, which are related to higher levels of disability and transmission, showed little reduction.
