01350nas a2200205 4500000000100000008004100001653002000042653002200062653001300084100001300097700001300110700001300123700002200136700001600158700001100174245005800185856007100243300001000314520082000324 2025 d10aNervous leprosy10aAtopic dermatitis10aImpetigo1 aDicko AA1 aCissé L1 aTraore A1 aMamadou Gassama A1 aKarabinta Y1 aFaye O00aNervous leprosy revealed after treating atopic eczema uhttp://www.odermatol.com/odermatology/20251/10.Nervous-DickoAA.pdf a60-623 a

Herein, we report a case of pure nerve leprosy revealed after the treatment of pyoderma in the context of atopic dermatitis. Questioning revealed a history of treated leprosy in the grandfather and asthma in the mother. On examination, he presented with multiple, ulcerative, crusted lesions on the backs of his hands, armholes, and on either side of the popliteal creases. Antibiotic therapy combined with an antiseptic, 5% urea Vaseline and betamethasone ointment led to a marked improvement in the lesions. Three weeks later, he returned with pain and paresthesia in his wrists and knees. There was hypertrophy of the peripheral nerves and palmar-plantar hypoesthesia. The condition was reactive. The patient was treated with OMS MB polychemotherapy and oral corticosteroids. He healed without sequelae.