02265nas a2200325 4500000000100000008004100001260004600042653003000088653002000118653002000138653002500158653002000183653002400203653002000227653003200247100001500279700001000294700001300304700001600317700001300333700001200346700001600358700001400374245009300388856026000481300000800741490000700749520116900756022001401925 2025 d bOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)10aErythema Nodosum Leprosum10aGenetic Markers10alepra reactions10ahistological markers10aType 1 reaction10aserological markers10aType 2 reaction10aimmunohistochemical markers1 aSuneetha S1 aDas P1 aSingh GK1 aVasudevan B1 aPriya KL1 aMannu A1 aKumar Das N1 aMukhida S00aHistological, immunohistochemical, and serological markers of lepra reactions in leprosy uhttps://pdfs.journals.lww.com/ejdv/2025/01000/histological,_immunohistochemical,_and_serological.1.pdf?token=method|ExpireAbsolute;source|Journals;ttl|1735910177396;payload|mY8D3u1TCCsNvP5E421JYK6N6XICDamxByyYpaNzk7FKjTaa1Yz22MivkHZqjGP4kdS2v0J76WGAnHACH6 a1-80 v453 aLepra reactions or ‘reactions’ in leprosy are immunological phenomena with distinct immunopathogenesis resulting in characteristic clinical manifestations and often are precursors of neuritis and disability. The reactions seen in leprosy are type 1, type 2, or erythema nodosum leprosum reaction and Lucio phenomenon. When undiagnosed or with a delay in intervention, these acute events affecting nerves and other organs can cause irreversible deformities and disabilities. Much research is ongoing to identify definitive biomarkers to predict and diagnose leprosy reactions early, to arrest the immunopathogenesis, prevent the morbidity/disabilities associated with reactions, and improve quality of life. After a brief introduction to leprosy and its reactions, we discuss the advances in identifying biomarkers for leprosy reactions. The serological, histopathological, and genetic markers have been covered in respect of all the three lepra reactions. We have strived to correlate the findings with respect to biomarkers for reactions with clinical features, pathogenesis, and immune histopathology of reactions for a better understanding. a1110-6530