01328nas a2200193 4500000000100000008004100001653001900042653002300061653003500084653001600119653001000135100001200145700002200157700001900179245022600198856008500424300000800509520061700517 2024 d10aLepra reaction10aChronic Arthritis10aSwollen Feet and Hand Syndrome10aAcute Lepra10aIndia1 aGupta P1 aKumar Chaurasia A1 aKumar Gautam A00aLest We Miss Hansen Arthritis: Case Series of Combo Articular Manifestations; One of Acute Lepra Reaction with Chronic Arthritis, and Another of Swollen Feet and Hand Syndrome besides Acute Lepra with Chronic Arthritis uhttps://journal-api.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/issues/articles/japi-73-1-90.pdf a1-33 a

Hansen’s disease is an infectious granulomatous disease with classical cutaneous and neurological profile and varied musculoskeletal manifestations. Poor awareness and low specificity of symptoms lead to a delay in the diagnosis of a treatable disease, culminating in worsening morbidity. A rare case series of Hansen’s arthritis, showing complex, diverse, and rare combinations of musculoskeletal manifestations of acute lepra reaction over chronic arthritis, besides cutaneous and neurological manifestations, must be understood for early diagnosis and treatment to avoid debilitating complication