01394nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001260003000042100001000072700001200082700001200094245013400106300001200240520094100252022002501193020001801218 2025 d bSpringer Nature Singapore1 aCao X1 aGhosh T1 aGhosh S00aMathematical Modelling to Exhibit the Influence of Latently Infected Schwann Cells in Leprosy: An Optimal Control-Based Study a123-1373 a

Investigation of latency phase and it’s impact in leprosy remains a long-term debate for clinical and experimental scientists. In our research work, we have explicitly introduced the class of latently infected Schwann cells into the mathematical modeling framework along with susceptible Schwann cells, actively infected Schwann cells and M. leprae bacteria to explore the disease dynamics more accurately. Besides performing the stability analysis of the disease-free and endemic equilibriums, we have investigated the optimal control-induced system incorporating two drug therapies, Clofazimine and Dapsone using Pontryagin minimum principle. Optimal therapy shows much optimistic results as it correlates the tenure and drug dose of combined therapy more closely to the real world clinical data-based scenario. Numerical simulations are performed to validate all of our analytic outcomes using Matlab 2016a.

 a2194-1009, 2194-1017 a9789819791934