01521nas a2200253 4500000000100000008004100001260001300042653001200055653001200067653000900079653002500088653002000113653000900133100001800142700001500160700001500175245009800190856005800288300001100346490000700357050001900364520087000383022001401253 1978 d c1978 May10aAnimals10aleprosy10aMice10aMycobacterium leprae10aPan troglodytes10aSkin1 aLeininger J R1 aDonham K J1 aRubino M J00aLeprosy in a chimpanzee. Morphology of the skin lesions and characterization of the organism. uhttp://vet.sagepub.com/content/15/3/339.full.pdf+html a339-460 v15 aLEININGER 19783 a

Microscopic features of lepromatoid lesions in a chimpanzee inoculated with bovine leukemia virus consisted of diffuse dermal infiltrations of foamy histiocytes, except for a subepidermal "clear zone" devoid of infiltrating cells. Acid-fast organisms were in histiocytes, dermal nerves and a branch of the left radial nerve. The organisms were more intensely acid-fast with the Fite-Faraco than with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain. The organisms did not oxidize 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) to indole but their acid-fast staining quality was removed by pretreatment with pyridine. Human leprosy patients, inoculated simultaneously with chimpanzee and human lepromin, reacted similarly to both lepromins. Organisms, when inoculated into mouse footpads, multipllied in 6 months to a quantity that was compatible with their identification as Mycobacterium leprae.
