01629nas a2200361 4500000000100000008004100001260001300042653003800055653001000093653001500103653002600118653002400144653003800168653001100206653001800217653001100235653001200246653000900258653001600267653003100283653001700314100001300331700001700344700001300361700001700374700001700391700001300408245008900421300000900510490000700519520072700526022001401253 1982 d c1982 Jan10aAcetylmuramyl-Alanyl-Isoglutamine10aAdult10aAntibodies10aAntibodies, Bacterial10aAntigens, Bacterial10aEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay10aFemale10aGlycopeptides10aHumans10aleprosy10aMale10aMiddle Aged10aMycobacterium tuberculosis10aTuberculosis1 aBahr G M1 aModabber F Z1 aRook G A1 aMehrotra M L1 aStanford J L1 aChedid L00aAbsence of antibodies to muramyl dipeptide in patients with tuberculosis or leprosy. a53-80 v473 a

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELisa) was used to detect the presence of antibodies to muramyl dipeptide (MDP) in serum of patients with leprosy or tuberculosis. Using a conjugate of MDP-lysine to horse radish peroxidase, no such antibodies could be detected in sera of either patients or controls. Antibodies to a sonicate antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were found in sera of all individuals tested and the binding of these antibodies to the M. tuberculosis antigen could not be inhibited by MDP. On the other hand, binding of MDP to anti-MDP antibodies, raised in rabbits, was largely inhibited by free MDP, slightly inhibited by M. tuberculosis antigen and was not inhibited by the patients' sera.
