01104nas a2200241 4500000000100000008004100001260001700042653002000059653001200079653001500091653001100106653001200117653000900129653001200138653000900150100001500159245007700174300001100251490000700262050003200269520054700301022001400848 1994 d c1994 Apr-Jun10aActinomycetales10aAnimals10aArmadillos10aHumans10aleprosy10aMice10aRabbits10aSkin1 aBhatia V N00aRepeated isolation of Dermatophilus-like organism from leprosy material. a149-560 v66 aInfolep Library - available3 a

An organism having actinomycetoid type of colonies has been grown repeatedly in pure culture from leprosy material using a solid medium. The isolates obtained from different biopsies, skin scrapes and mouse foot-pad harvests were found to be similar to each other in the routine taxonomical tests and had many characters common with Dermotophilus congolensis. Similar growth could be obtained from a strain of M. leprae from armadillo and also from a DOPA-positive mycobacterium isolated previously from the blood of a leprosy patient.
