01118nas a2200241 4500000000100000008004100001260001300042653001000055653001600065653001100081653002400092653002500116653000900141653001300150100001500163245008700178856005900265300001100324490000700335050003200342520048800374022001400862 1998 d c1998 Jun10aAdult10aChloroquine10aHumans10aLeprosy, Borderline10aLeprosy, lepromatous10aMale10aSeizures1 aEbenso B E00aSeizures following chloroquine treatment of type II lepra reaction: a case report. uhttp://leprev.ilsl.br/pdfs/1998/v69n2/pdf/v69n2a14.pdf a178-810 v69 aInfolep Library - available3 a

A case of tonic-clonic seizures following chloroquine treatment for leprosy reactions in a Nigerian male is reported. Seizures were controlled with phenytoin sodium capsules. A casual relationship between the seizures and chloroquine is suggested. There have been no previous reports of this adverse reaction in leprosy patients receiving chloroquine for treatment of reactions. The author recommends that chloroquine be used with caution especially in patients with seizures.
