01477nam a2200289 4500000000100000008004100001260003300042653002400075653002500099653001600124653001400140653001100154653002200165653001200187653002500199653001800224653001200242653002100254100001100275700001200286245005800298250001700356300001000373050001600383520076600399020002201165 2014 d bStichting TrodermaaVoorburg10aAuto-Immune Disease10aBacterial Infections10aDermatology10adiagnosis10aEczema10aFungal infections10aleprosy10aParasitic Infections10aSkin Diseases10aTherapy10aViral Infections1 aHees C1 aNaafs B00aCommon skin diseases in Africa : an illustrated guide a3rd rev. ed. a89 p. a110.7 COM b3 a

This updated, photo-illustrated guide, which covers Southern, East and West Africa, provides a quick and easy reference for diagnosis and management of common skin diseases, including leprosy. Skin disease is often overlooked as a trivial condition but when care is taken to make the proper diagnosis and institute the proper treatment, the management of skin diseases often results in great improvement and satisfaction for the patient and health care work alike. Required treatments need not be expensive and are available locally. In many cases skin disease can be an indicator of other problems, particularly if influenced by concomitant HIV infection.

The illustrated guide can be downloaded from the Downloads section at the bottom of this page. a978-90-808016-2-2