01039nam a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001260002300042653001600065653001800081653001200099653001500111100001400126700001200140700001200152245002700164856004100191300001100232050001600243520054400259020001800803 2006 d bElsevieraMaarssen10aDermatology10aSkin Diseases10aleprosy10aDisability1 aFaber W R1 aHay R J1 aNaafs B00aImported skin diseases uhttp://www.importedskindiseases.com/ a304 p. a110.2 FAB b3 aChapter 7: "Leprosy" by Naafs & Faber 7 Leprosy 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Epidemiology 7.3 Clinical spectrum 7.4 Diagnosis and classification 7.5 Laboratory tests 7.6 Diagnosis of reactions 7.7 Anti-mycobacterial treatment 7.8 Treatment of reactions 7.9 Rehabilitation and prevention References Chapter 8: "Leprosy: disability and rehabilitation" by Brandsma 8 Leprosy: disability and rehabilitation 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Terminology and definitions 8.3 Impairments related to the disease and nerve function impairments 8.4 Conclusion References a90-352-2804-9