01872nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001260004200042653001200084653002000096100006800116245005400184856010600238300001100344050002000355520133900375 2012 d bWorld Health Organization aNew Delhi10aleprosy10aGlobal strategy1 aWorld Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia 00aMonitoring enhanced global leprosy strategy: 2012 uhttp://www.searo.who.int/entity/global_leprosy_programme/documents/monitoring_enhanced_strat_2012.pdf a23 p.  aSEA-GLP-2012.023 aThe Enhanced Global Leprosy Strategy of WHO 2011-2015, targets reducing the new cases with grade-2 disabilities by 35% by the end of the strategy period. It underlines the importance of early detection and quality of care in an integrated service setting. For leprosy control to achieve greater success it is essential to have the concept and practices of monitoring and evaluation well established in the programme. Monitoring is done through a minimum set of indicators that describe the leprosy services in terms of impact, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability. These indicators provide the basis for before-and-after analyses to evaluate the effects of programme interventions. Although routinely collected data provide adequate information on the progress and performance, it may not provide an adequate assessment of the quality of care indicators. In this document a set of routine and additional indicators are identified that may be used at every level to assess programme status, identify deviations and institute remedial measures. The procedures for collecting information on epidemiology and control of the disease are well established in the earlier guidelines on Leprosy Elimination Monitoring (LEM). This document includes additional indicators and methodologies adapted to the current needs.