01396nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001653001600042653001100058653001500069653001100084653001900095653001000114100001300124700001200137700001400149700001300163700001100176245008800187490000700275520089600282 2013 d10aOutpatients10aFemale10aDisability10aStigma10aMultibacillary10aIndia1 aKhapre M1 aMudey A1 aMeshram R1 aNaik A R1 aWagh N00aDeterminants and associated disability of leprosy patients attending GMLF, Sevagram0 v123 a Leprosy, as an oldest disease known to a man and already eliminated from India in 2005, still poses a public health problem with steady new case detection rate. Method: The present study was carried out in Gandhi memorial leprosy foundation, Wardha, with the aim to find out proportion of multibacillary leprosy cases and various grading of disability and factors associated with it in this part of country. All the successive new OPD patients were included in study and examined for type of leprosy and grade of disability if present. Analysis done by Descriptive statistics. Result: 66 % had multibacillary type of leprosy and 44 % the disability. Higher age group, females, illiterate and less educated, unskilled and low income group were mostly affected. Conclusion: high proportion of multibacillary cases and disabilities reflects the need for active thrust to identify new cases.