02405nas a2200229 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653002800054653001900082653001500101653001000116100001200126700001200138700001100150700001500161700001100176245016400187300001000351490000700361520179300368022001402161 2014 d10aleprosy10aCommunity participation10aCase detection10aGuidelines10aIndia1 aBhatki 1 aXalxo A1 aLima R1 aMukadam DP1 aSamy A00aSelective Special Drive (SSD): an effective tool to promote new case detection through community participation--an experience during 2005-2010 in Mumbai slums. a43-510 v863 a

As per the Guidelines of National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP), Government of India, new case detection (NCD) in leprosy is to be promoted by voluntary reporting through Information, Education and Communication (IEC). Accordingly, in addition to the routine IEC activities, Maharashtra Lokahita Seva Mandal (MLSM) carried out Selective Special Drive (SSD) in slum pockets in Mumbai since 2005-06. The SSD methodology prescribed under Leprosy Elimination Action Program (LEAP) of ALERT-INDIA was adopted which included selection of slum pockets, identification and training of Community Volunteers (CVs), door-to-door focused IEC through CVs using standard IEC material and referral of voluntarily reported suspected cases to nearby Health Posts under General Health Services or to Leprosy Referral Centre (LRC) established through MLSM for diagnosis and treatment. During the years, 2005-06 to 2009-10, MLSM conducted five annual SSDs in 53 slum pockets having 187,391 house-holds with the total enumerated population of 882,114 of which 563,040 (63.8%) could be covered through house-to-house IEC by 772 trained CVs/CHVs. As a result, 108 new cases (PB - 79 and MB - 29) were detected with the NCD rate ranged between 13/100,000 and 34/100,000 which is much higher than the reported NCDR in Mumbai (i.e. 6/100,000). Of the new MB cases 6 were lepromatous leprosy cases. Voluntary reporting of new cases was also found to be enhanced during the subsequent period following SSD. SSD activity encourages intensified IEC with community participation and integrates General Health Services resulting into better voluntary reporting of new cases. It is, therefore recommended that the SSD with the methodology prescribed under LEAP may be considered for incorporation in NLEP.
