01120nas a2200181 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653002000054653001400074653001300088100001300101245007900114856014100193300000900334490000600343050001600349520057300365 2013 d10aleprosy10aGlobal strategy10aTreatment10aResearch1 aSandle T00aGlobal strategies for elimination of leprosy: A review of current progress uhttp://www.esciencecentral.org/journals/global-strategies-for-elimination-of-leprosy-a-review-of-current-progress-2329-8731.1000e112.pdf a2 p.0 v1 aSANDLE 20133 aOf the various ‘ancient diseases’, one of the longest lasting (and arguably notorious) is leprosy (leprosy was recognized in the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt and India). Notwithstanding its long history, the disease is one that should be relatively straightforward, with tangible political support, to eliminate as a global health concern. The current strategy being implemented by the World Health Organization (WHO) is discussed below. This paper also reviews some of the current research into leprosy, focused on the areas of diagnosis and treatment.