01620nas a2200265 4500000000100000008004100001260001300042653001400055653001200069653001100081100001200092700001200104700001400116700002200130700001600152700001300168700001700181700001700198245009000215856007000305300001200375490000700387520094600394022001401340 2014 d c2014 Mar10aMigration10aleprosy10aBrazil1 aMurto C1 aAriza L1 aAlencar C1 aAndré Chichava O1 aOliveira AR1 aKaplan C1 aDa Silva LFM1 aHeukelbach J00aMigration among individuals with leprosy: a population-based study in Central Brazil. uhttp://www.scielosp.org/pdf/csp/v30n3/0102-311X-csp-30-3-0487.pdf a487-5010 v303 aThis study investigates social and clinical factors associated with migration among individuals affected by leprosy. A cross-sectional study was conducted among those newly diagnosed with leprosy (2006-2008), in 79 endemic municipalities in the state of Tocantins, Brazil (N = 1,074). In total, 76.2% were born in a municipality different from their current residence. In the five years before diagnosis 16.7% migrated, and 3.6% migrated after leprosy diagnosis. Findings reflect aspects associated with historical rural-urban population movement in Brazil. Indicators of poverty were prominent among before-diagnosis migrants but not after-diagnosis migrants. Migration after diagnosis was associated with prior migration. The association of multibacillary leprosy with migration indicates healthcare access may be an obstacle to early diagnosis among before-diagnosis migrants, which may also be related to the high mobility of this group. a1678-4464