01292nas a2200193 4500000000100000008004100001653005000042100001800092700001300110700001600123700001400139245004200153856006800195300001000263490000700273050001800280520078600298022001401084 2014 d10aBrazil; History; History of medicine; Leprosy1 aAvelleira JCR1 aFilho FB1 aQuaresma MV1 aVianna FR00aHistory of leprosy in Rio de Janeiro. uhttp://www.scielo.br/pdf/abd/v89n3/0365-0596-abd-89-03-0515.pdf a515-80 v89 aAVELLEIRA20143 a

The record of the first cases of leprosy in Rio de Janeiro dates from the seventeenth century. The first local host of leprosy patients was created from 1741, and the first colonies hospitals were built in the early twentieth century, in order to avoid contagion of the population. The first structures dedicated to research also date from this time: the Leprosy International Institute, the Leprology Institute, and the Leprosy Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, where the most prestigious leprologists of Rio de Janeiro worked. Currently, investigations are focused on the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; additionally, leprosy patients are treated at municipal health centers and state hospitals, and former colony hospitals only accept patients with severe disabilities.
