01615nam a2200241 4500000000100000008004100001260002400042653001300066653001100079653001700090653001600107653002000123653001500143653002100158653004100179100001400220700001800234245008000252300001100332050001700343520099100360020002201351 2014 d bVU University Press10aZimbabwe10aUganda10aSouth Africa10arural areas10aHome-based care10aDisability10aDay care centres10aCommunity based rehabilitation (CBR)1 aVermeer A1 aMagyarszeky Z00aDisability Care in Africa : Community-Based Rehabilitation in Rural Regions a384 p. a110.24 VER b3 a

This book describes the development of a differentiated network of disability care in a developing rural area consisting of a number of townships in South Africa. The network includes residential care for abandoned, neglected and orphaned children with physical and/or intellectual disabilities; semi-residential care in group homes for young adults with a disability and daily care in day care centres for families with a disabled child in the surrounding townships; and home-based care for families with a disabled child at their homes. Then an analysis is provided about how home-based care is carried out in two other African countries, Uganda and Zimbabwe, by a non-governmental organization in The Netherlands, aiming at direct child assistance and capacity development in developing countries. Finally, in-service training activities are described that are necessary for the transition from a residential nursing-oriented facility to a community-based care organization.
