01171nas a2200181 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653002400054653001100078653001400089100001400103700001400117245011300131856007300244490000700317520065100324022001400975 2014 d10aleprosy10aSocial determinants10aBrazil10aTreatment1 aLopes VAS1 aRangel EM00a[Leprosy and social vulnerability: an analysis of the socioeconomic profile of users in irregular treatment] uhttp://www.scielo.br/pdf/sdeb/v38n103/0103-1104-sdeb-38-103-0817.pdf0 v383 a

This article analyzes the social determination of leprosy, from the recognition of the social vulnerability of users in irregular treatment, in the Leprosy Control Program of the county of Campos dos Goytacazes – RJ. In order to do that, it presents a documental research, based on the social registration forms of the mentioned users, highlighting some aspects such as work, income, family background and access to public policies. Its results register significant presence of precarious work related to low schooling and income levels, being most of them considered poor or indigent (51,5%) and non-users of welfare benefits (66,7%).
