01036nam a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260004700042100001200089245008700101856009300188300001100281050001600292520059400308 2015 d bSasakawa Memorial Health FoundationaTokyo1 aYuasa Y00aA life fighting leprosy: A collection of the speeches and writings of Dr. Yo Yuasa uhttps://www.shf.or.jp/wsmhfp/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/201507yuasa_book_web.pdf?lang=en a277 p. a130.1 SAS b3 a

A collection of speeches and writings of Dr. Yo Yuasa, former executive and medical director of our foundation who also served as president of the International Leprosy Association from 1993 to 2002. Dr. Yuasa devoted his working life to fighting leprosy. He played an important role in the introduction of multidrug therapy to treat leprosy, describing himself as one of the drug regimen’s “most radical protagonists,” and believed that delivering the cure to all who need it is a moral responsibility of public health policy.