02497nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653001300054100001100067700001700078245012100095856008200216300001000298490000600308520202500314 2015 d10aleprosy10aHospital1 aRao KS1 aMoodalgiri M00aLeprosy in a tertiary care hospital, Bagalkot, India: Clinical study and a reappraisal in the post-elimination era. uhttp://www.medicainnovatica.org/2015-Dec%20Issue/Med%20Inn%20Dec%202015_6.pdf a23-280 v43 a
Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Leprae. The disease mainly
affects the skin, and peripheral nerves. The prevalence far exceeds the elimination level in many states and
union territories.
Objectives: 1. To assess the profile of newly detected cases of leprosy.
2. To describe the histopathological profile and complications associated with the cases.
Settings and design: This was a Prospective study.
Materials and methods: The study was carried out for 12 months and it included 45 new cases.
Results: A total of 45 cases were registered during this period, 34 of them being males. Maximum number
of cases belonged to the age group of 20-39 years (46.66%) and 40-59 years (26.67%). 7(15.55%) cases
were between 10-12 years of age. Borderline Tuberculoid (BT) was the commonest clinical type in 21(46.66
%) patients. Mid borderline (BB) was seen in 3 (6.66%), borderline lepromatous (BL) in 1(2.22%) case,
Lepromatous leprosy (LL) in 10 (22.22%), tuberculoid leprosy in 5 (11.11%) cases and pure neural leprosy
(PNL) in 3(6.66%) patients, whereas diagnosis of indeterminate leprosy was made in 2(4.44 %) cases. Out of
all the 45 cases, 4(8.88%) patients showed features suggestive of a lepra reaction, 2(2.22%) of them being
type 1 and 2(2.22%) showed features of type 2 reaction. 4(8.88%) patients showed symptoms of neuritis. Slit
skin smear (SSS) was done in all patients, out of which, 11(24.4 %) patients showed presence of Acid fast
bacilli [AFB] and 3(6.66%) patients showed Bacillary Index [BI] of 6+.
Conclusion: Despite the statistical elimination of leprosy in this region, new cases continue to present in
alarming number.