00865nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001653002300042653002500065653003600090653003500126100000900161700001500170245004000185520046800225022001400693 2016 d10aHansen’s disease10aMycobacterium leprae10aErythema nodosum leprosum (ENL)10aImmune reconstitution syndrome1 aWu J1 aBoggild AK00aClinical Pearls: Leprosy Reactions.3 a
Leprosy reactions are acute inflammatory episodes that occur in the setting ofMycobacterium lepraeinfection. Precipitants of reactions can be pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic. Both type 1 and type 2 reactions typically occur before and during leprosy treatment but may also occur after treatment has been completed. Reactions cause morbidity due to nerve damage, and prompt corticosteroid therapy is warranted to minimize nerve damage due to reactions.