01917nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653001300054653000900067653002600076653001500102653001100117100001800128700001100146700001400157700001100171245012900182856005100311490000700362520133000369 2017 d10aleprosy10aFootwear10aFeet10aMicro-cellular rubber10aDisability10aStigma1 aGovindharaj P1 aMani S1 aDarlong J1 aJohn A00aAcceptance and satisfaction of micro-cellular rubber ready-made footwear among patients with insensitive feet due to leprosy uhttps://leprosyreview.org/article/88/3/38-13900 v883 a

Introduction: Footwear is an integral part of disability management in leprosy programmes and rehabilitation. Suitable footwear for anaesthetic feet has been a challenging aspect of leprosy work.
Objective: To examine the acceptance and satisfaction of ready-made microcellular rubber footwear for insensitive feet among patients with leprosy.
Methods: A prospective follow-up study was conducted at The Leprosy Mission Hospital, Purulia, West Bengal, India. The sample consisted of 125 leprosy affected people with plantar anaesthesia without any ulcer or deformity and on regular follow-up.
Results: Of the 125 ready-made micro-cellular rubber footwear taken by subjects, 83 (66·4%) completed the study and used the footwear for six months or more, 19 (15·2%) withdrew due to footwear breakage, loss, foot drop, and non-usage for personal reasons and the remaining 23 (18·4%) participants defaulted in the subsequent visit.
Conclusion: The study found that the ready-made MCR footwear was accepted well by persons with insensitive feet due to leprosy in a leprosy endemic district. The durability of the footwear was good with the minimum level of wear and tear. Using the ready-made MCR footwear will protect the foot and will reduce the stigma attached to custom made MCR footwear.