01028nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001653001300042653002400055653001200079653002300091100001300114700001300127700001300140700001300153700001300166700001000179245014100189300000800330490000700338520046500345 2017 d10aDiabetis10alepromatous leprosy10aleprosy10aMedicopsis romeroi1 aSharma B1 aSingh PK1 aPandey K1 aMittal G1 aRamesh V1 aDeb M00aSubcutaneous Cyst due to Medicopsis romeroi in a Diabetic Lepromatous Leprosy Patient: An Interesting Case Report and Review from India. a1-30 v113 a

Medicopsis romeroi (M. romeroi) (syn. Pyrenochaeta romeroi) is a rare melanized fungus causing subcutaneous/localized invasive phaeohyphomycosis in immunocompromised patients. We present a rare case of subcutaneous phaeohypho-mycotic cyst caused by M.romeroi in a diabetic male with lepromatous leprosy. Molecular identification was performed by sequencing of Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region and D1/D2 region of Large Ribosomal Subunit (LSU).