01924nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001653001500042653001100057653001800068100001100086700001300097245007700110856011100187520145400298022001401752 2018 d10aDisability10aStigma10aMental Health1 aKey KD1 aVaughn A00aActive coping efforts temper negative attributions of disability stigma. uhttp://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/sah0000126http://psycnet.apa.org/psycarticles/2018-03987-001.pdf3 a

The current research examined attributional evaluations and health perceptions of targets with various disabilities and explored the role that government assistance and coping played in shaping these ratings across three studies. Participants were recruited from Amazon’s MTurk (n = 163, 200, and 180, respectively). Participants read vignettes describing three women with disabilities (cardiovascular disease, depression, and pain; Study 1). In Study 2, this information was standardized to explore disability differences attributed to the disability, and in Study 3, specific information about coping was also presented. Across all three studies, government assistance was not predictive of attributional evaluations or health perceptions. However, in two of the three studies, disabilities did differ in attributional evaluations and health perceptions. Specifically, cardiovascular disease was rated the harshest. Coping also led to differences in attributional evaluations and health perceptions with targets who did not cope at all receiving the harshest ratings, while targets who actively coped receiving the kindest ratings, and this was independent of disability. Results suggest that information about stigma onset and offset are both important in the attributional process whether implicit in the disability or explicitly stated in the vignette as coping. These results may inform stigma reduction efforts and future research.
