01983nas a2200193 4500000000100000008004100001653002500042653001200067653004700079100001200126700001700138700001800155245014100173856026000314300001000574490000600584520118500590022001401775 2018 d10aMycobacterium leprae10aleprosy10aLevel of community knowledge and education1 aZahra M1 aSetiasih N L1 aBubakar A H A00aThe Correlation of the Level of Community Knowledge and Education with the Level of Leprosy Occurrence in Central Jakarta Area year 2017 uhttp://scholar.google.nl/scholar_url?url=http://cmro.in/index.php/jcmro/article/download/87/52&hl=nl&sa=X&d=12771244339935422796&scisig=AAGBfm2-LDYG-o9i1MxjYqAV64k0XLCPPg&nossl=1&oi=scholaralrt&hist=732gnZIAAAAJ:2504567022825440215:AAGBfm0gWrMt_sHgdB4GPsC a29-330 v13 a

Leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) and the manifest is damage to the skin and peripheral nerves. Humans are still believed to be the main source of M. leprae transmission, especially in patients with highly infectious lepromatous. There is a correlation between leprosy with the level of education and human knowledge of the occurrence of leprosy from the past’s point of view. Based on statistical test of Rank Spearman Correlation, the acquired p-value that is equal to 0,000 < = 0,05, then H1 is accepted which means there is a significant correlation between the level of knowledge of the community with the incidence of leprosy in the area of Central Jakarta in 2017 and 0,062 > = 0,05 p-value is acquired, thus H0 is accepted which means there is no significant correlation between community education level and the occurance of leprosy in the area of Central Jakarta area in 2017. It can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the level of community knowledge and there is no significant correlation between the level of community education with the occurance of leprosy in the area of Central Jakarta in 2017.
