01998nas a2200253 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653002100054653002200075653000900097653001100106653002200117653003600139100001400175700001300189700001600202700001700218700001300235245010200248856006500350300001200415490000700427520131000434 2018 d10aleprosy10aCD4+ RORg-T Th1710aCD25+ FOXP3+ Treg10aIL1710aTGF-β10aReversal reaction10aErythema nodosum leprosum (ENL)1 aYuniati R1 aRiawan W1 aWidasmara D1 aDarmaputra I1 aArifin S00aDistribution of CD4+RORg-T Th17 and CD25+ FOXP3+ Treg in leprosy patients with reversal reaction. uhttp://jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/viewFile/1102/1099 a123-1280 v283 a

Objective To compare the distribution of CD4+ Th17 and CD25+ FOXP3 T regulatory cell (Treg) between type I reversal reaction (RR) and type II reversal reaction i.e. erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) patient groups.

Methods A total of 50 samples, consisted of 27 samples of reversal reaction (RR) and 23 samples of ENL, were collected. Observation of CD4+ RORg-T Th17 and CD25+ FOXP3 Treg were conducted with immunohistochemistry staining technique using anti FOX-P3 and anti RORg-T. Expression of CD4+ ROR-g Th17 and CD25+ FOXP3 Treg in percentage were analyzed using T-test.

Results There is a significant difference in mean CD4+ ROR-g Th17 and IL17 cell distribution for RR patient group (14.96% and 10.72%) compared with ENL (9.12% and 4.28%). No significant difference were found between mean CD25+ FOXP3 Treg and TGF-β cell distribution in RR patient group (6.12% and 5.44%) compared with ENL group (6.16% and 5.96%).

Conclusion There is a significant increment od CD+RORg-T Th17 and IL17 in RR patients group compared with ENL patients group. however, the distribution of CD25+ FOXP3+ Treg and TGF beta in RR has no significant difference compared with ENL.