02563nas a2200229 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653001400054653002100068653001000089100001500099700001200114700001200126700001400138700001500152700001300167245009800180856006900278300000800347490000600355520197200361 2018 d10aleprosy10aIncidence10aClinical profile10aIndia1 aNalamada S1 aKhan SA1 aSaher L1 aSamreen M1 aAnsari HQF1 aSarada T00aIncidence and Clinical Profile of Leprosy in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana uhttps://www.ijcmr.com/uploads/7/7/4/6/77464738/ijcmr_2176_v1.pdf a1-50 v53 a

Introduction: Leprosy an infectious disease still remains a major public health hazard. Though it has been eliminated from the world and from India, it has not been completely eradicated. New cases continue to occur indicating an active transmission of the disease from person to person. Therefore this present study was conducted to ascertain the incidence and clinical profile of leprosy cases at a tertiary care center in Hyderabad, Telangana. This study further proposed various strategies to help reduce incidence rates, as this disease, for the most part, is acquired by contact with the infected persons. Material and methods: This retrospective study collected data on the occurrence of incidence cases by reviewing health records in our hospital setting. Clinical records of the patients provided useful information on the demographic profile, type of leprosy, details of clinical examination, and treatment protocol followed to help assess the incidence and clinical profile of the leprosy cases. Slit skin smear examination for acid-fast bacilli helped to confirm clinically suspected cases of leprosy. Results: From a total of 97 clinically assumed cases reporting to our hospital 24 were found to be positive for acid-fast bacilli. These cases were neither previously diagnosed as leprosy nor had undergone any treatment for leprosy. The majority of the diagnosed cases belonged to the middle age group (50%). 75% of incidence cases were males. Borderline tuberculoid (33%) was the most frequent type of leprosy observed in this study. Conclusion: This study concluded that although the prevalence rate has decreased over a period of time, incidence cases still do occur indicating an active transmission of the disease from the infected persons to the contacts. This study further addressed various strategies which could help decrease these incidence cases.