02463nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653002700054653002000081653002500101653001600126100002100142700001600163700001400179700001300193245010100206856026000307300001200567490000700579520165900586 2017 d10aleprosy10aFamily health strategy10aBasic attention10aHealth professionals10aInformation1 aBrito Oliveira S1 aRibeiro MDA1 aSilva JCA1 aSilva LN00a[Evaluation of the level of information on hansenĂase of professionals of the strategy family]. uhttp://scholar.google.nl/scholar_url?url=http://www.periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/revistahuufma/article/download/8747/5901&hl=nl&sa=X&d=1094005194991149463&scisig=AAGBfm28ZtLDsZRPJbLJ0JpTIcvSrJUkMQ&nossl=1&oi=scholaralrt&hist=732gnZIAAAAJ:126909 a139-1430 v183 a
Introduction: Leprosy is a disease that infectocontagiosa deserves special attention because it is characterized as a public health problem. The professionals who make up the family health Strategy (FHS) must be in possession of adequate knowledge about leprosy, since this is handled at the level of Basic health care outpatient (ABS). Objective: To evaluate the level of information about leprosy ESF professionals. Methods: Cross-sectional study and descriptive, accomplished with health professionals (doctors, nurses and technicians in nursing) by means of a semi-structured questionnaire, containing 11 objective issues contemplating General aspects, diagnosis and treatment of leprosy. The level of information about leprosy was classified according to the total number of correct answers obtained in each form, providing scoring categorized as, great (90-100%), very good (80-89%), good (70-79%), regular (60-69%), bad (50-59%) very bad (below 50%). Results: Twenty tree professionals participated in the study, 6 doctors, 10 nurses and 7 technicians in nursing. Looking at the total of correct answers to all the professionals the information level was classified as good (74.70%), while separated by category, doctors presented very good level (80.30%), nurses (79.09%) level, and technicians in regular level nursing (63.63%). Conclusion: The study identified deficits in the level of information about leprosy ESF professionals. Possession of appropriate information can contribute to reducing the incidence of new cases and control of the disease.