01802nas a2200193 4500000000100000008004100001653001200042653001400054653001100068653001600079100001800095700002200113700002400135245003000159856008900189300001000278490000600288520131400294 2018 d10aleprosy10aPrejudice10aStigma10aadolescence1 aFigueiredo MB1 aSantos da Silva I1 aNascimento Vieira T00a[Leprosy and adolescence] uhttp://revistas.uninorteac.com.br/index.php/DeCienciaemFoco0/article/viewFile/213/61 a86-980 v23 a

Introduction: Leprosy is a millennial disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which affects the population in all age groups, being more common in adults and the occurrence of cases in children is less frequent. Despite the adoption of control measures, it still constitutes a serious public health problem, in addition to persisting as a disease of stigma and social exclusion. Objective: to identify the perception of adolescents in leprosy treatment on the disease to know the psychosocial impact caused by the disease during this period. Method: This is a narrative review study on leprosy, using BVS, PubMed and LILACS, using the descriptors leprosy, adolescence, prejudgment and stigma. Results: Leprosy is a stigmatizing disease, with great disabling potential, which can influence the formation of adolescents' life, causing feelings of denial, fear, anger, pain and sadness, as they are in a phase of changes and adaptations. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about the disease, the treatment and the cure, favors the maintenance of the prejudice and stigma created around leprosy, causing social exclusion. An informed society will contribute to reducing the social exclusion of young people with leprosy.