01320nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001100001300042700001500055700001500070700001700085245008300102856007300185490000700258520088300265022001401148 2019 d1 aSilva DF1 aSantos GCV1 aBrasil MHF1 aAraújo PACF00a[Causes and Solution Strategies for Hanseniasis in Children: Ishikawa Diagram] uhttp://seer.unirio.br/index.php/cuidadofundamental/article/view/68010 v113 a

Objective: The study’s target has been to analyze the causes and solutions strategies for leprosy in children using the Ishikawa Diagram. Methods: It is a literature review based on the Ishikawa Diagram production, which was carried out over April 2017 in the databases of PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), EBSCO and SciELO. Results: It was identified that the prevalence of leprosy in children is due to social, environmental and cultural factors, where: socioeconomic conditions, population cluster and lack of professional qualification correspond to 70% of the mentioned causes. Conclusion: It was evidenced the need for intensifying epidemiological surveillance, promoting larger investments in preventive actions, such as health education, including the adoption of professional training towards the professionals directly responsible the disease diagnosis.
