01405nas a2200313 4500000000100000008004100001260001700042653001000059653002500069653003000094653000800124653001900132653001100151653001000162653001300172653002300185653002400208653002500232653000900257653002500266100001100291700001200302245005400314300001000368490000700378050003200385520066000417022001401077 2003 d c2003 Oct-Dec10aAdult10aCD4 Lymphocyte Count10aDrug Therapy, Combination10aHIV10aHIV Infections10aHumans10aIndia10aLepromin10aLeprostatic Agents10aLeprosy, Borderline10aLeprosy, Tuberculoid10aMale10aMycobacterium leprae1 aRath N1 aKar H K00aLeprosy in HIV infection: a study of three cases. a355-90 v75 aInfolep Library - available3 a

The course of leprosy in patients with HIV infection has been a controversial issue for a long time. It is still a matter of debate whether the HIV status of an individual has any impact on the natural history of leprosy and response to anti-leprosy treatment. We report here three HIV-positive leprosy cases (two BT and one BB) along with their CD4 counts and HIV staging with anti-leprosy therapeutic response. Both BT cases responded well to conventional WHO MDT (PB) for 6 months, whereas the BB case relapsed 3 months after completion of MDT (MB) for one year. However, he became inactive again following a further one-year course of MDT (MB).
