01817nas a2200337 4500000000100000008004100001260001700042653001500059653001000074653001600084653001000100653002100110653001200131653001100143653001100154653001000165653001100175653001200186653000900198653001600207653001600223100002200239700001300261700001700274245008300291300000900374490000700383050003200390520104300422022001401465 1991 d c1991 Jan-Mar10aAdolescent10aAdult10aAge Factors10aChild10aChild, Preschool10aDapsone10aFemale10aHumans10aIndia10aInfant10aleprosy10aMale10aMiddle Aged10aSex Factors1 aRaveendranathan O1 aNair B K1 aSarojini P A00aEpidemiological significance of indeterminate leprosy--a hospital based study. a5-110 v63 aInfolep Library - available3 a

An epidemiological analysis of 100 cases of indeterminate leprosy attending the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Medical College Hospital, Trivandrum, is presented. It was found that indeterminate leprosy formed 13.23% of all cases of leprosy and 1.3% of all out-patients attending this department. Only 27% of patients with indeterminate leprosy were below 15 years of age. There was a predominance of males especially over 20 years of age. There was no history of contact with leprosy in any of the patients with indeterminate leprosy. All patients with indeterminate leprosy came for hypopigmented patches, suspecting leprosy. Majority had the disease for more than 6 months. Single lesion on the outer aspect of extremity was the most common presentation. The lepromin test was positive in only 2% of patients with indeterminate leprosy, while it was positive in 80% of control subjects. Three cases of dapsone resistance were suspected in this series. The epidemiological significance of the findings is discussed.
