03342nas a2200649 4500000000100000008004100001653001600042653001500058653003300073653004500106653001200151100001900163700001600182700001200198700001200210700001100222700001000233700001100243700001600254700001400270700001400284700001800298700001800316700001200334700001000346700001500356700001500371700001100386700001300397700001400410700001300424700001300437700001200450700001200462700001000474700001300484700001200497700001500509700001300524700001300537700001700550700001700567700001300584700001600597700002000613700001100633700001300644700001900657700001700676700001400693700001400707700001600721245010700737300001200844490000600856520183000862 2020 d10aProphylaxis10aRifampicin10aSingle-dose rifampicin (SDR)10aLeprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP)10aToolkit1 aBarth-Jaeggi T1 aCavaliero A1 aAerts A1 aAnand S1 aArif M1 aAy SS1 aAye TM1 aBanstola NL1 aBaskota R1 aBlaney DD1 aBonenberger M1 avan Brakel WH1 aCross H1 aDas V1 aBudiawan T1 aFernando N1 aGani Z1 aGreter H1 aIgnotti E1 aKamara D1 aKasang C1 aKömm B1 aKumar A1 aLay S1 aMieras L1 aMirza F1 aMutayoba B1 aNjakov B1 aPakasi T1 aRichardus JH1 aSaunderson P1 aSmith CS1 aStähelik R1 aSuriyarachchi N1 aShwe T1 aTiwari A1 aWijesinghe MSD1 avan Berkel J1 aPlaetse B1 aVirmond M1 aSteinmann P00aProfilaxis post-exposición para lepra con dosis única de rifampicina: manual para su implementación a263-2720 v43 aObjective: Leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis with single-dose rifampicin (SDRPEP) has proven effective and feasible, and is recommended by WHO since 2018. This SDR-PEP toolkit was developed through the experience of the leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis (LPEP) programme. It has been designed to facilitate and standardise the implementation of contact tracing and SDR-PEP administration in regions and countries that start the intervention.

Results: Four tools were developed, incorporating the current evidence for SDRPEP and the methods and learnings from the LPEP project in eight countries. (1) the SDR-PEP policy/advocacy PowerPoint slide deck which will help to inform policy makers about the evidence, practicalities and resources needed for SDR-PEP, (2) the SDR-PEP field implementation training PowerPoint slide deck to be used to train front line staff to implement contact tracing and PEP with SDR, (3) the SDR-PEP generic field guide which can be used as a basis to create a location specific field protocol for contact tracing and SDR-PEP serving as a reference for frontline field staff. Finally, (4) the SDR-PEP toolkit guide, summarising the different components of the toolkit and providing instructions on its optimal use.

Conclusion: In response to interest expressed by countries to implement contact tracing and leprosy PEP with SDR in the light of the WHO recommendation of SDRPEP, this evidence-based, concrete yet flexible toolkit has been designed to serve national leprosy programme managers and support them with the practical means to translate policy into practice. The toolkit is freely accessible on the Infolep homepages and updated as required:
