01288nas a2200169 4500000000100000008004100001260001600042653001600058100001600074700001800090700001800108700001700126245008600143856008300229520079200312022001401104 2020 d bElsevier BV10aDermatology1 aBezerra NTC1 aSchettini APM1 aLeturiondo AL1 aMathias LHMT00aCase for diagnosis. Erythematous and infiltrated plaques in the infrahyoid region uhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036505962030310X?via%3Dihub3 aLeprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae and, depending on the host immune status, presents different clinical forms. This report describes the case of a 46-year-old man who had hypoesthetic lesions in the infrahyoid region for 30 days. The bacilloscopy was negative. The anatomopathological examination showed alterations corresponding to the tuberculoid pole (epithelioid histiocytes) and virchowian pole (foamy histiocytes), compatible with borderlinevirchowian leprosy (Ridley and Jopling classification). Rapid tests for HIV I, II, and syphilis were positive, with a CD4 count of 223. The patient started treatment with multibacillary multidrug therapy, antiretroviral therapy, and benzathine penicillin, with marked clinical improvement in two months. a0365-0596