01091nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001653001800042653001800060100001000078245008500088856010500173520069100278 2021 d10aEASI Strategy10aParticipation1 aILEP 00aILEP statement of commitment to the participation of persons affected by leprosy uhttps://ilepfederation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ILEP-statement-on-participation-March-2021.pdf3 aThe involvement of communities and persons affected is not a new concept in primary health care and disease programs. Human rights-based approaches to NTDs, including leprosy, emphasise that any interventions should be based on the principles of participation, non-discrimination and accountability[1]. WHO has issued specific Guidelines for strengthening participation of persons affected by leprosy in leprosy services[2]. However, the active participation of persons affected by leprosy is not always a reality.

This statement is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese: https://ilepfederation.org/ilep-statement-on-participation-of-persons-affected-by-leprosy/