01171nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001260001000042100001200052700001400064245005300078856009800131300001200229490000700241520075100248022001400999 2021 d bLepra1 aWarne G1 aMukhier M00aTackling the worldwide loss of leprosy expertise uhttps://leprosyreview.org/admin/public/api/lepra/website/getDownload/60ef0f04afaac1197b69f50c a186-1970 v923 aLimited or dwindling leprosy expertise at all levels is a challenge in almost every leprosy-endemic country and is a major obstacle to achieving zero leprosy. This report describes key findings from a 2020 conference of ILEP Member associations which examined the issue from multiple perspectives. The consensus was that continuing to use the traditional training tools and approaches is unlikely to improve the situation: innovative approaches are needed. The report focuses on the dimensions of the problem, what people need to know at different levels, learning design and pedagogy, and modes of delivery of effective and sustainable training especially using digital technologies. A number of action steps are suggested for ILEP and partners. a2162-8807