01723nas a2200205 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001500054700001400069700001700083700001400100700001300114700002600127245005600153856008100209300001400290490000700304520119200311022001401503 2021 d c01/20211 aBarcelos R1 aSousa GSD1 ade Almeida M1 aPalacio F1 aGaĆ­va M1 aBenevides Ferreira SM00aLeprosy patients quality of life: a scoping review. uhttps://www.scielo.br/j/reeusp/a/Y9DzW9ySfzKknDSQ86hNxyF/?lang=en&format=pdf ae202003570 v553 a

OBJECTIVE: To explore the scientific evidence regarding the leprosy patients quality of life.

METHOD: Scoping review according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, with articles indexed in PubMed, Cochrane, LILACS, Embase, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, PsyINFO, INFOLEP, and Google Scholar databases, published in full in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

RESULTS: Seventy-four studies were identified, with 71 of quantitative approach and 3 with a mixed method. There was a predominance of studies published in Brazil (58.1%), with an adult population, (97.3%) and recruited in reference centers for the treatment of leprosy (52.7%). There was greater use of the WHOQOL-bref (50%) and SF-36 (18.9%) instruments to assess quality of life. The study showed that the greatest impairment in quality of life was related to the delay in the diagnosis of the disease, to leprosy reactions, physical disabilities, neuropathic pain, and stigma.

CONCLUSION: Most studies were developed in endemic countries, with adults, and based on observational studies, and the worst scores obtained were associated with physical domain impairment.
